Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Important Women's Health Issue:

* Do you have feelings of inadequacy?
* Do you suffer from shyness?
* Do you sometimes wish you were more assertive?
* Do you suffer exhaustion from the day to day grind?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, ask your doctor or
pharmacist about Margaritas.

Margaritas are the safe, natural way to feel better and more confident about yourself and your actions. Margaritas can help ease you out of your shyness and let you tell the world that you're ready and willing
to do just about anything. You will notice the benefits of Margaritas almost immediately and with a regimen of regular doses you can overcome any obstacles that prevent you from living the life you want
to live.

Shyness and awkwardness will be a thing of the past and you will discover many talents you never knew you had. Stop hiding and start living, with Margaritas.

Margaritas may not be right for everyone. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not use Margaritas. However, women who wouldn't mind nursing or becoming pregnant are encouraged to try it.

Side effects may include:
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Incarceration
- Erotic lustfulness
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- Loss of clothing
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- And a desire to sing Karaoke

* The consumption of Margaritas may make you think you are whispering when you are not.
* The consumption of Margaritas may cause you to tell your friends over and over again that you love them.
* The consumption of Margaritas may cause you to think you can sing.
* The consumption of Margaritas may make you think you can logically converse with members of the opposite sex without spitting.

Please share this with other women who may need Margaritas.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Sue Brower, Zondervan

Sandra Bishop, MacGregor Literary

Susan May Warren

Fay Lamb

Carol Johnson, editor who acquired Janette Oke and for whom the new Carol Award is named

Congratulations again, to all the nominees, all the winners, and everyone who works so hard behind-the-scenes to make this crazy writing career possible for so many of us. Your work and support is not only appreciated but greatly needed. Many blessings!

Monday, September 20, 2010

ACFW Carol Awards

Another conference has come and gone. Listed below are this year's winners.

Congratulations to the winners of the 2010 Carol Awards!

Contemporaroy Novella -
The Great Christmas Bowl by Susan May Warren
Tyndale House, Karen Watson, Editor
Historical Novella -Christmas Bells for Dry Creek by Janet Tronstad
Steeple Hill, Tina James, Editor
Short Contemporary -A Texas Ranger's Family by Mae Nunn
Steeple Hill, Melissa Endlich, Editor
Short Contemporary Suspense -Evidence of Murder by Jill Elizabeth Nelson
Steeple Hill, Emily Rodmell, Editor
Short Historical -The Unfinished Gift by Dan Walsh
Revell, Andrea Doering, Editor
Young Adult -So Not Happening - Jenny B. Jones
Thomas Nelson, Amanda Bostic/Jamie Chavez, Editors
Long Contemporary -The Familiar Stranger by Christina Berry
Moody Publishers, Paul Santhouse, Editor
Long Contemporary Romance -Just Between You and Me by Jenny B. Jones
Thomas Nelson, Natalie Hanemann/Jamie Chavez, Editors
Mystery -The Case of the Mystified M.D. by A.K. Arenz
Sheaf House, Joan M. Shoup, Editor
Suspense/Thriller -Intervention by Terri Blackstock
Zondervan, Sue Brower/Dave Lambert, Editors
Long Historical -Stealing Home by Allison Pittman
Multnomah, Alice Crider, Editor
Long Historical Romance - Cowboy Christmas by Mary Connealy
Barbour Publishing, Rebecca Germany, Editor
Speculative -Eternity Falls by Kirk Outerbridge
Marcher Lord Press, Jeff Gerke, Editor
Women's Fiction -Never the Bride by Cheryl McKay and Rene Gutteridge
Waterbrook Press, Shannon Marchese, Editor
Debut Author - The Unfinished Gift by Dan Walsh
Revell, Andrea Doering, Editor

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Historical was turned in on time. My agent should be reading through it now. I submitted a blurb for a possible anthology, wrote a proposal for a cozy mystery, and am now working on a contemporary. Surely with all these lines in the water (figuratively speaking) I'll get a big 'ole bite. God will surely reward me for perseverance, right?

Monday, July 12, 2010

What Am I Doing?

I am so struggling with this 1865 historical I'm writing. Then, for the reviews I must do, I've read a book that is written so well, I feel I'm wasting my time putting pen to paper. Ugh! I know it's just the insecurities that go with the writing profession, but enough already! I need the words to come. God, give them to me, please! I told my agent I'd have this book finished by the end of July and it's already the 12th. There are four publishers waiting to see it. Then, I'm worried that I'm spending my time writing something no one will want and then I've wasted my time. Yep, having a great big old pity party! Wanna join me?

Monday, June 28, 2010


Well, what a joke. Son has to serve five more months, ten years probation, and register as a sex offender. Good thing: might be able to expunge in five years. Thank you to our pastor and the youth pastor and his wife who came to support our son and us. It meant so much to us.

The prosecutor gave her spiel, then proceeded to spend the rest of the hearing texting on her blackberry. Son's lawyer gave his spiel, he's definitely not gifted in the speaking department by the way. The language used by all parties was that our son "crossed some boundaries". Really? I thought the girls were crying rape. Oh, well. Must be why the charges were so drastically reduced.

The facts about the girls calling, texting, bragging, etc., was never brought to the judge's attention. Seems that in AZ these things are not admissible. According to our son's lawyer, these are the reasons the prosecution lowered the charges. Really? Then why didn't our son's lawyer fight harder for him.

I have very good hearing, and the two lawyers were talking before the court started. The prosecution would say so, this charge stands as this, right? this plea needs amended to this, right? And our son's lawyer agreed to everyone. Nice to know he lets women wear the pants.

He did manage to get our son's probationary fee lowered from $65/month to $25/month. Oh, yippee! Glad we didn't have to pay HIM for representation. My husband is going to check into taking this to civil court. We'll see.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

OZARK WEDDINGS By Anita Higman and Janice Thompson

Being from the Ozarks myself, I jumped at the chance to be an influencer for Ozark Weddings.

An enjoyable collection of three stories set in Arkansas, I felt propelled back to the land of my childhood. With sensitivity, master of lyrical writing, the authors take the readers deep into the hearts of three wonderful couples, where romance is pure and sweet. So grab your favorite drink, curl up in your favorite chair, and spend a summer day immersed in the beauty that is the Ozarks.

Monday, June 21, 2010


By Janice Hanna Thompson
Janice Thompson:

Janice, I understand you’re about to debut a new fiction course online. Why fiction? What is your background, as it relates to fiction writing?
Every writer hopes to one day write “The Great American Novel.” I started writing novels as a child, so the desire to craft “story” has always been inside of me. In the mid ‘90s I started writing with the desire to be published. After years of trial and error, my first novel hit the shelves in 2000. Since then, I’ve published over forty novels—everything from inspirational romance to cozy mysteries to Y.A. (young adult) to romantic comedies. It’s been a great run! I’ve noticed a trend in recent years. “Young” writers approach me, one after the other, asking the same questions and struggling with the same problems. I’ve worn myself out giving the same answers! (There are only so many times and ways you can say, “You’re head-hopping, honey!”) Because of that, I decided it would be easier to compile the information into a fiction course, will debut mid-June at I can’t wait to see what novelists think of this exciting new course!

You’ve started with a lesson on understanding the genres. Why is that?
As mentioned above, I’ve been published in multiple genres. My first book was a suspense-thriller. I’ve since written historicals, contemporaries, children’s, young adult, romances, mysteries and much, much more. Because I’ve been able to successfully cross genre lines, I feel qualified to teach on the subject. Before writers can establish themselves as novelists, they must develop an understanding of the fiction genres/categories. Choosing the best genre (or genres) is critical to your success. But with so many categories to choose from, how do you know which is your best fit? This lesson will give writers a thorough introduction to genre writing and will provide them with the necessary information to choose the one(s) best suited to their literary style and voice.
I see you’ve included a lesson on plotting. Is this based on your “Plot Shots” teaching, which you’ve offered at conferences?
Yes! I’m so tickled to finally be able to offer this teaching in a course format. I’ve become known as “that Plot Shots lady.” That’s okay. I can live with that! I’m a firm believer in laying out a great plotline. Why? Because every story needs a beginning, middle and end. Careful plotting will lead the reader on a satisfactory, realistic journey through each of those stages, creatively weaving in and out, up and down. The "Plot Shots" method gives writers the tools they need to plot their novel in twelve easy snapshots. It’s a fun and easy approach to plotting that won’t confuse or complicate the story.

Characterization is such an important component of fiction writing. Can you tell us more about your characterization lesson?
Years ago I developed a teaching that I call “Pandora’s Box.” It’s a layered approach to characterization, which uses the illustration of multiple boxes, one inside the other. In this lesson, I lay out the need for great characterization, then present the Pandora’s Box method. After presenting the method, I take the student through the process four times, using four fictional characters as a foundation. (Each character has a different personality, so the student learns how to apply the technique to the various personalities.)

So many writers struggle with P.O.V. (point of view). Is that why you included a lesson on that very tough subject?

Point of View (P.O.V.) is a critical fiction component. Employing to your best advantage is tough! Most of the young writers I know struggle in this area. The head-hop. Oh, they don’t mean to. . .but they do! My detailed lesson on Point of View offers students a thorough teaching on the various P.O.V.s (omniscient, third person, second person, first person), and gives specific examples and tips so that writers can become P.O.V. purists.

What is passive writing? Why have you included a lesson about it?
Many of the manuscripts I edit are written in passive voice. They’re loaded with passive verbs and include huge sections of “telling.” The author “information dumps,” which stops the flow of the story. Knowing the difference between active voice and passive voice is key to writing a great novel. Conquering the art of "showing" instead of "telling" will give writers an added advantage. This detailed lesson--filled with nuggets of wisdom from published authors--will give writers the tools they need to strengthen their stories and pull them into active voice.

Ack! Backstory! It’s so tough to add to our novels. Is that why you included a lesson on the subject?
Backstory. We all struggle with it, don’t we? In so many ways, it's critical to our story. After all, the reader needs to know where our primary character has come from--what she's been through--why she acts like she does. So, do you add the backstory or not? If so, can you do so without resorting to author intrusion? And where will you place it? At the beginning of the story? Elsewhere? Will it come out in lumps or snippets? This lesson offers students an intense look at backstory and includes tips for interjecting it without stopping the action.

Many writers struggle with finding their “voice.” Can you tell us more about that?
A writer’s “voice” is her/her “stamp.” It’s the author’s “personality on the page.” And many young writers haven’t “found their voice” yet. This lesson delves into the topic, in detail, giving perspective on this very personal issue. The lesson (titled “Themes, Style and Voice”) also covers the various themes found in popular books, as well as style components.

Can you tell us some of the top fiction mistakes?
Sure! After editing hundreds of manuscripts, I can point out some of the “top” fiction mistakes: Lack of a good hook. P.O.V. issues. Passive writing. Weak characterization. Poor plotting (no “belly of the whale” scene). Overuse of adverbs. On and on the list goes. Many writers simply don’t realize they’re making these mistakes until someone points them out. They wonder why the book keeps getting rejected. This lesson offers writers a thorough list, detailing the top twenty mistakes novelists make.

Why did you decide to add a lesson on humor writing?
I’ve been writing comedies for years and have learned so much along the way. Humor writing is tough stuff! Some writers are born with an overactive funny bone. Others have to work hard to be funny. (Ironic, isn't it?!) If you're interested in adding a little har-de-har-har-har to your novel, then you've come to the right place. In this light-hearted lesson on humor writing, I share my top ten tips for adding humor to your writing. The bonus feature contains another twenty tummy-tickling techniques, so hang on for the ride!

Putting together a book proposal is tough! What have you learned over the years?
Book deals are won or lost based on the proposal. If you've got a completed manuscript and you're ready to pitch it to an agent or editor, then this exciting lesson on query letters and book proposals will point you in the right direction, giving you all the confidence you need to submit, submit, submit! Students who use the information provided in this lesson can compose polished query letters and dazzling book proposals, sure to impress both editors and agents, alike.

Thanks so much for joining us, Janice. Where can people learn more about your courses? And where else can they find you on the web?
They can learn more at On that site, they will also find my “Becoming a Successful Freelance Writer” course, which many students have already taken. Folks can learn more about that one by clicking on this video: I offered a free webinar on the subject about six weeks ago, and it can be found here: We’ll be adding to the course list every couple of months, so stay tuned for more announcements!
Other places to find me on the web:
My website:
My blog:
My facebook page:

Friday, June 11, 2010


Well, my son met with a sentencing officer. Never heard of one, but supposedly, they're the ones who decide someone's fate and tell the judge their recommendations. To make a long story short, everything my son's lawyer told him in order to get my son to sign a plea...the lawyer had no business telling him. Once my son signed the plea, the lawyer's job was done. you think it was because the lawyer had a high profile case he wanted to work on? So, if my son's sentencing goes bad on June 23rd, we will sue for misrepresentation. Also, my son said he will rescind his plea and take his chances at trial.

Friday, June 04, 2010

LOVE ON A DIME By Cara Lynn James

Lilly Westbrook is following God's will for her life by writing dime romance novels. Her wealthy, high-society family believes she is penning poetry for her own enjoyment. To discover the truth about what Lilly does for hours in her room would destroy their acceptance into the society of Newport, Rhode Island. But Lilly has a good handle on things, until her publishing company is bought by Jackson Grail, the man who ditched her and their love years before.

Then, a tabloid reporter is determined to blackmail her into revealing her true identity to her readers. How can Lilly keep her heart, and her secret, safe?

LOVE ON A DIME is a delightful read with a fesity heroince determined to follow God's will at all costs. A subtle message woven throughout the story, leaves the reader feeling good and eagerly awaiting Cara Lynn James's next novel in the Ladies of Summerhill series.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I can't handle my life the way it is right now, so something has to give. What? Me. I've decided to forceably (and I mean with great force!) change my attitude. I can't change the world, so I'll do the best I can. Who's with me? Do I hear a big amen?

Tuesday, May 04, 2010


My son signed the plea bargain. He had no other choice. I want to cry.
Vengeance is Mine Says the Lord! These little girls will someday get their's. I'm trying not to rejoice in that.

Monday, May 03, 2010


Found out from my son's lawyer that in the state of Arizona, there's no such thing as consentual sex if one of the parties (or both, I guess) are under the age of fifteen. The girl was under fifteen. So, I guess the plea is the best way to go at this point. Still sucks, but you can't fight the law. That's why the lawyer doesn't want it to go to trial. If the jury knows about the law, then our son would be convicted.

Saturday, May 01, 2010


Oh, the ongoing saga of justice. My son's lawyer called yesterday, all excited. Well, of course he would isn't his son. Seems the prosecution wants to strike a plea bargain. The terms:

No further jail time or up to two years jail time. (It will be up to the judge)
TEN years probation, and he will have to register as a sex offender, plus attend a monthly probation meeting, and sexual therapy classes. What the hell? Oh, yes, people will jump at the change to give him a job knowing right off the bat he'll be missing a couple days of work every month. Sign me up!

The lawyer can't understand why my husband and I aren't excited about this. I told the lawyer it seems like the prosecution has realized they don't have the case they thought they did. One of the charges has been dropped to Attempted Sexual Assault and the other to Sexual Misconduct with a minor. Well, what do they think my 17-year-old is, a lecherous old man? Aren't minors under the age of eighteen? He was barely sixteen when these charges supposedly took place.

Plus, the so-called witness they had has been discounted. My husband asked whether the whole thing could be dropped if the girls came forward. Guess what? Not in the state of Arizona! Once a person is incarcerated, the state will play it out, even if the alleged victims change their mind. If the girls didn't want to go to trial, they'd be subpoened. Oh, yeah, justica at its finest.

My husband blew and told the lawyer he's throwing our son under the bus because a high-Profile case (on the news, but I'm not at liberty to say) is taking all his time. The lawyer says the plea is our son's best bet, because if it goes to trial, and we lose, he would get seventeen years. Well, what if we won? Seems everytime we turn around the charges are lessened. Why not pursue it and take our chances?

The lawyer asked what I thought? I said there was no way I would take the plea. I'd be lying by saying I did it, and why should I suffer for someone else's lie? I told him I've asked numerous adults and young people and not one person believes our son capable of this. If one person said he was, I wouldn't be so adamant about fighting it. Especially knowing the charges were lessened for a second time.

Now, if you were a 17-year-old presented with two years or seventeen, what would you do? We have no opportunity to speak with our son to tell him how we feel. The entire decision rests on a kid that just wants to come home. I no longer have any faith in the lawyer. If our son decides to take it to trial, will the lawyer put his all into it, or do things half-ass to prove a point?

Maybe I have the wrong attitude about the whole thing, but this is how I feel. What does the future hold for my son? Where can he get a job if he's a registered sex offender? Why should he be punished for having sex because a little girl thought she might get in trouble? If she was so afraid of him, why'd she come back a second and a third time? Yep, makes sense to me.

There's the slightest chance that if he's a good boy and follows his probationary terms, he MIGHT be expunged by the age of twenty-two. Whatever. The way things have been going so far, yep, that'll happen. So, we get to be the joyful, proud parents of a bouncing baby adult for who knows how long because all his rights were tossed away. There goes his desire to join the military.

Sex with that young girl was sure expensive! And the one he tried to kiss, well, obviously she thought it worth holding onto for a year before saying anything. Oh, the bond between friendship.

First girl: "Hey, what do you want to do tonight?"
Second: "Oh, I don't know. Hey, let's screw up somebody's life! That'll be fine."
First: "What do you want to say?"
Second: "Well, I'll spread it around town that we had sex at the park, have our other friend say she witnessed him hurting me, and you say how he tried to get with you three times."
First: "Okay, but you have to say three times too, or it won't work."
Second: "Deal!"
Hugs and kisses all around.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Innocent Until Proven Guilty? I don't think so!

On February 26, 2010, my son was arrested for sexual assault. Two girls claim he acted inappropriately with them on three different occasions per girl. Innocent until proven guilty? I don't think so. My son admitted to having sex with one of them and now telling the truth will be held against him. Why should he lie to the police officer? To keep his words from being twisted, that's why.

My son's lawyer (per Arizona law) is not allowed to speak to the girls about their testimony. It could be construed as badgering the victims. We can't even talk to our son about anything because every conversation is recorded and WILL be used against him. Golly Gee! How are we supposed to find our own witnesses, then? The only hope we have is that the prospective jury will believe the interaction was consentual on both sides. In the meantime, my son sits in jail, while these girls roam free, telling all their friends. Huh. I always thought victims of these type of crimes were too scared to talk about it.

Why don't I believe their story? If I was on a jury, knowing the facts, although few that I do know, there isn't a chance in hell I'd convict anyone. Below are the facts as we know them:

1. Alleged Victim #1 started telling people that my son "raped" her over a year ago. Coincidentally when he started dating his current girlfriend. I don't believe in coincidences. She has recently come forward to say they never did have sex. Does she need to look up the definition of rape in the dictionary? I think so. So, what were the other two counts? A pat on the butt? An attempt at a stolen kiss? I have over five text messages forwarded from my son's girlfriend that #1 sent to her, bragging about her charges. Are these texts admissable in court? No.

2. Alleged Victim #2 had sex with my son at a park. Nice girl, right? Of course, my son is also stupid, but that's another blog. Then she proceeded to walk him home afterward. Actions of a victim? Maybe on her planet. She also has a witness that said when #2 came out from behind the bushes, she had a look in her eyes that said something bad happened. Alrighty, then! All the parks around here are greenbelts. Patches of grass completely surrounded by houses. Do you want to tell me that she was being assaulted and didn't cry for help when several houses sat a stone throw's away? Maybe she's a mute. I'll have to check on that. Oh, and maybe the "witness" is mute too.

Another point that, if I were on a jury, would tell me these little girls could right a New York Times bestselling story of fiction, is that supposedly, my son assaulted them three times each. Really? So, after the first time you allowed herself to be put in the same position, not once more, but twice more? Give me a break!

I've got to tell you, and I'll need to repent afterwards, but I have no hope left. I've tried to rely on God to get my son out of his stupidity. To ease our pain. My son may be a horny toad, but he doesn't deserve to have his life ruined for doing what half of our teenagers are doing. Just because one girl was jilted and another...what? Thought Mom and Dad would find out she's a loosy goosy and she'd get in trouble?

I don't know. I don't believe in coincidences. Based on the above information, there's no way I would convict anyone. Yet, my son's lawyer said that over 90% of sexual assault charges result in conviction. Wow! Did you know that I could go out, have sex, change my mind, and claim rape? Yep! Got that tidbit of information from the mouth of a cop. Well, aren't I glad I live here.

Can I get in trouble for writing this blog? I don't know. It's supposed to be a free country. Free speech and all that. No names were mentioned to protect the guilty. Names of the innocent are plastered all over the internet, should anyone be inclined to search for them.

So, they're holding him without bail, which was a joke to begin with because it was set at $75,000. Now, they are trying to plea bargain, but haven't come up with the terms yet.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010


LOCAL AUTHOR Karen Kay, aka, Gen Bailey, the leading voice in American
Indian Historical Romance, is going on tour with her latest release, SENECA
SURRENDER, A Berkley Sensation Historical romance.

Did you know that thousands upon thousands of women are reading Romance?
With a dwindling economy and many families losing jobs and homes, many
Americans are craving an escape from their every day problems. What are
women turning to? Romance.

Multi-published author, Karen Kay (aka Gen Bailey) will be touring
bookstores within the greater Los Angeles/San Diego area, and its many
communities, promoting her new book, SENECA SURRENDER, and signing copies
of the book

Here is Ms. Bailey's schedule:

Book Signing: March 27th, Saturday, 11AM – Karen/Gen will be signing books
at the Relay for life in Hemet at the West Valley High School. This is a
twenty-four hour relay event that benefits the Cancer Society. Contact

Book Store visit: April 7th, Wednesday, 11AM :Romance Reader's group at
Barnes & Noble, Torrance, CA

Online: April 8th, Thursday, all day long. I'll be guest blogging at Fallen
Angel Reviews at

Book Signing: April 9th, Friday 12:00 PM – Barnes & Noble Books, 1800
Rosecrans Ave., Unit B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266.

Book Signing: April 10th, Saturday, 12 PM – Romance Writers of America
conference in Brea. Brea Community Ctr., 695 E. Madison Way, Brea, CA 92822

Online: April 13th, Tuesday, Chat time at Coffee Time romance – Starts at
9PM EST or 6PM Pacific:

Lecture: Book Signing: April 14th, Wednesday, 6PM – Silver Lake library –
This lecture will be on How to Write a Romance. 2411 Glendale Blvd., @
Silver Lake, LA, CA 90039. Contact info: (323)913-7453

Book Signing: April 16th, Friday, 11AM-2PM – Cameron Books, 3077 W. Florida
Ave, Hemet, CA 92544. Contact info: (909) 925-6477

Book Signing: April 17th, Saturday, 1PM – Russo's Books in Bakersfield.
9000 Ming Avenue, Suite #4, Bakersfield, CA 93311 – Contact info: (661)

Book Signing: April 18th, Sunday -- 12PM, LA chapter of Romance Writers of
America in Encino at the Barnes & Noble, 16461 Ventura Blvd., Encino, CA

Online: April 21st, Wednesday -- Chat time at the Cata Romance Blog. This
event will be featured off and on all day long. Come visit at

Online: April 23rd, Friday, Blogging at Petticoats & Pistols blog.

Book Signing: April 23rd, Friday, 1:30 PM -- Sunshine Books in Cypress.
4931 Lincoln Ave., Cypress, CA 90630 Contact info: (714) 761-1552

Book Signing: April 24th, Saturday, 11:30 – Borders Books 555 S. Plaza
Lane, Montclair, CA 91763

Online: April 27th – Chat and blogging time with The Romance Studio. Come
and join the fun of chatting online.

Online: April 29th – Coffee Time Romance Blog – all day long – please come
on over and chat – here's the link:

Online: April 30th – One more time to catch the chat with the blogging time
with The Romance Studio. Come and join the fun of chatting online.

Book Signing: May 1st, Saturday – 1PM, Borders Books, 3030 Plaza Bonita
Rd., National City, CA 91950

Online: Come join me at RidingWithTheTopDown blog.

Book Signing: May 4th, Tuesday – 6PM – The Book Rack, 78-329 Highway 11, La
Quinta, CA 92253 Contact info: (760) 771-3449.

Book Signing: May 8th, Saturday – 1PM – Borders Books in Lakewood, 15
Lakewood Ctr. Mall, Lakewood, CA 90712.

Book Signing: May 14th, Friday –6PM-8PM – Katy Books, 2950 Fray Road,
Houston, TX 77084. Contact info: (281) 578-7770. There is a huge sale at
this store on this date.

Online: May 18th, Tuesday – Live Chat – come and visit online at 9PM EST or
6PM Pacific

Book Signing: June 12th, Saturday, 12:30PM - 3:30PM – Gracie's Book Nook,
1722 - C Sweetwater Road, National City, CA 91950. Contact info: (619)

Lecture/Book Signing: August 27th, Friday – 11AM - 1PM -- Seminar/Lecture
at Las Vegas Romance Writers. The Nevada Energy Building, Wengert
Conference Room, 6226 W. Sahara, Las Vegas, NV. Contact info:

Well, that's all so far. I would like to add that I am always thrilled to
meet readers. So please don't be shy. Come on out and let's meet in

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Anybody out there? How do I get people to visit my blog? What do I write about to entice them? Hello? Hello?

Monday, February 22, 2010


Born and raised in Louisiana, Robin Caroll is a Southern through and through. Her passion has always been to tell stories to entertain others. Robin's books have placed/finaled in such contests as Bestseller's Best, Book of the Year, and Reviewer's Choice Award. When she isn't writing, Robin spends time with her husband of twenty years, her three beautiful daughters, and their four character-filled pets at home--in the South, where else? An avid reader herself, Robin loves hearing from and chatting with other readers. Although her favorite genre to read is mystery/suspsnse, of course, she'll read just about any good story. Except historicals! To learn more about this auther of deep South mysteries of suspense to inspire your heart, visit Robin's website at

Tell us about your latest release? Deliver Us From Evil is about a beautiful yet tough woman working in a beautiful yet tough setting, Brannon Callahan is a search and rescue helicopter pilot for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Strong faith and a decorated history of service have kept her one step ahead of on-the-job dangers, but there’s no precedent for what’s about to happen. After a blizzard takes down a small plane carrying U.S. Marshal Roark Holland (already haunted by a recent tragedy), Brannon must save him in more ways than one and safeguard the donor heart he’s transporting to a government witness on the edge of death. Otherwise the largest child trafficking ring in history—with shocking links from Thailand to Tennessee—will slip further away into darkness along the Appalachian Trail.

Where did you get the inspiration? I watched a television special on child trafficking with my husband. As a mother of three daughters, I couldn’t stop the ache in my heart long after the show was over. I couldn’t get the image of these poor girls’ faces out of my mind. The horrors these children endure in their own poverty-stricken country is horrible enough, but to be brought to America and be further exploited and abused is appalling. When my outrage settled deep inside me, I knew I had to write a story about this most serious issue.

How did you begin writing? I've always been writing in one form or another. LOL I began writing toward publication years ago, but didn't get serious until I joined ACFW. That's when I learned HOW to write.

Why Romantic Suspense? That's the genre I enjoy reading the most, so that's where my passion for story lies.

Tell us about your "big" break? I'm still waiting on it. LOL

What's your writing journey been like? The stock market...lots of ups and down, but the ups sure make up for the downs.

What kind of a writing schedule do you keep? NORMALLY, I try to write from 8-2, Mon-Friday, around my children's schedules. Sometimes, that's not possible. But that's what I try to shoot for.

What's next on your writing agenda? I just finished the third book in the "evil" trilogy, but will be working on revisions. I'm playing around with another series idea, so I'll keep you posted! :D

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

OH Pooh!

Well, another story got shot down. The publisher is just too filled up with authors who've published more than I have. Now, I ask am I supposed to reach that spot if those who already have keep taking all the spots? So why would new or fairly new authors even bother if publishers are actually seeking out the multi-published authors? I guess my two, soon to be three, books don't count as multi-published enough. Oh, woe is me! That's my mood right now. I'm going to wallow in it for a while, okay?

Monday, January 18, 2010


Gert Dooley is the best shot in town. And everyone knows it. When folks start dying, Gert forms a club to teach the ladies of Fergus to shoot well enough to defend themselves if the need should arrive. The women wind up learning alot more than how to load and pull the trigger. Prejudices are set aside. Compassion for one another rises, and despite the animosity from some of the men in town, their shooting club thrives and grows. In the midst of it all, Gert loves the new sheriff, Ethan Chapman, and volunteers her club as amateur deputies. Ethan jumps at the chance, and the town of Fergus will never be the same. Nor will his life as he realizes the gift right under his nose. The lovely Gert.

This was a fun read! Before the last page is turned, readers will be a fan of Susan Page Davis.

Sunday, January 03, 2010


Okay, I still don't know what direction to take this blog, or how to stop it from posting to my facebook, but ... I made only one New Year's resolution, okay, maybe a few, but the main one is to lose sixty pounds. I started on January 1st and stepped on the scale this morning two pounds lighter. And that's after going out to dinner last night where I ate shrimp, salmon, and crab legs. Yippee!

Second, though not less important goal, is to finish writing another novel, and get it published. I have several finished ones that need revamping, and will continue writing until I see my name on the cover of another book. Then, when I'm famous, LOL! I'll have other manuscripts to fall back on when life keeps me busy. Thank you, God, for this desire to write.