Saturday, July 22, 2006

Shades of Crimson

Finished the last chapter yesterday. Yahoo! Such a feeling of accomplishment. It's always a bit sad though to finish something you've spent so much time on. These characters will be with me for a while, though as I now have revisions and will move on to books two and three in the Upton Falls Series. Now, to find more and different ways for my hero and heroine to avoid the "bad" guy.


Anonymous said...

Just found your link via Mair's....congrats on the book. Blessings on your writing endeavors. Always a pleasure to meet another writer.


Marsha Loftis said...

congratulations on finishing the last chapter. I was looking up people who blog and live in Surprise and came across your blog.

Marsha Loftis said...

Thanks for the email.