Well, I've got 10,000 more words to go in my wip. Feeling pretty good about finishing the first draft by conference. Hey, I might even have an edited version to pitch, God willing.
The publisher interested in my fourth book received the revisions. Said it might take 2 - 3 months before they get back to me. Yikes! I was so hoping to hear back by conference. I don't know whether I should pitch that book or not.
I'm reading Dee Henderson's, The Witness. Haven't read any of her books before, but someone mentioned that I write like her, so of course I had to pick up one of her books. What a compliment! I can see the comparison. Hopefully, a publisher will to.
You're on a roll, girl! Keep it up! You'll have that baby polished for conference.
I've read a few Dee Henderson books--the series name escapes me, but it's the series based on a "family" (they were all foster kids together who bonded together after they got kicked out of the system at 18) of adults, some of who are Christians and some who aren't. I really enjoyed that series--that really is quite a compliment to be told she's one of your contemporaries! I hope the networking you did at convention pays off in getting you a (another?) contract!
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