Tuesday, September 26, 2006

2006 ACFW Conference

What do I say about my first conference? It was intimidating, exciting, stimulating, frustrating, loud and lonely. I think I must have experienced the full gauntlet of emotions over those three days. Made new friends. Put faces with names and met with editors who weren't so intimidating after all. Now the agents, they're another story! Scared me spitless! Why? I don't know.

I had an editor request a proposal and another to request the full of two of my books. I'm sending proposals to five agents. A good conference? I sincerely hope so.

One agent, bless her heart, said my story was too scary and I should target men agents. Isn't that funny? My target audience is women.


Catherine West said...

Congrats on the proposal request!
Yes, it was an awesome conference, my first too!
Now get to work!!!

Unknown said...

Way to go, girl! I'm so proud! :)

And it was WONDERFUL to actually meet you in person! :)

Crystal Laine said...

Chicky, Maybe I'll see your proposal? (smile) Seriously, it sounds as if your conference went well and the most important thing is that you're writing and getting things out. I really hate it that I missed this conference this year. But I'm hearing the best reports. It's all good.