Sunday, January 03, 2010


Okay, I still don't know what direction to take this blog, or how to stop it from posting to my facebook, but ... I made only one New Year's resolution, okay, maybe a few, but the main one is to lose sixty pounds. I started on January 1st and stepped on the scale this morning two pounds lighter. And that's after going out to dinner last night where I ate shrimp, salmon, and crab legs. Yippee!

Second, though not less important goal, is to finish writing another novel, and get it published. I have several finished ones that need revamping, and will continue writing until I see my name on the cover of another book. Then, when I'm famous, LOL! I'll have other manuscripts to fall back on when life keeps me busy. Thank you, God, for this desire to write.

1 comment:

Winter said...

We'll get you there, girl! One way or another!