Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Finished First Draft!

Finished the first draft of book three in the Summer Meadows series. Feels good. I'll be having final edits of Fudge-Laced Felonies coming any day now, and I'm working on the first chapter of my new series. Marsha (Mars-Bars) Calloway inherits her father's doughnut business. Someone is using her doughnuts to poison people, them robbing them. When they wake from the medication, no not a killer this time, they can't remember the last hour of their life. What do you think? Sound interesting?


Jo said...

Congratulations! What a satisfying feeling you must have after finishing a beloved first draft. I pray the Lord will continue to inspire your writer's heart.
- Jo

Frances said...

Yay!! Congratulations on the new contract. I'm working on book two also. Makes me feel like maybe I really am a writer. Love your blog.