Wednesday, April 05, 2006


My daughter got married on April 1, 2006 and, if I do say so myself, looked like she stepped off the page of a wedding magazine. The wedding was was the preparations that were a nightmare. My daughter insisted on cupcakes. 200 of them! Guess you got to bake'em. Me. The first batch went in the oven at 7:30 a.m. and the last batch at 3:30 that afternoon. In between baking, I had to frost them using this handy dandy decorating tool which left my hand cramped into the hand of a crone.

The next day there were six of us joyfully sitting down to make bouquet balls. You know the round styrofoam balls with real flowers poked into them? Anyway, they're all the rage nowadays. We didn't have enough silk "stuff" to fill in the spaces, so had to run to the store. It took us so long to finish these "masterpieces" that the petals were beginning to fall off. Let me tell you there were six frazzled women, including one frustrated bride-to-be trying to finish those bouquets. We all prayed they'd hold up until the wedding the next day. They did.

Although there were threats of rain (we live in the desert, what's the chance?) the clouds dissipated and the skies were a brilliant azure blue. The wedding was perfect!!! Praise God for not striking down those six grumbling women. It was worth it! (But I am glad it's over and they are headed for a week in Tahiti).


Kaye Dacus said...

Cynthia --

Too bad your daughter's wedding didn't happen before I finished my master's thesis novel...the one about a wedding planner. I sure could have used these incidents to give her some great conflict!

Welcome to the Begay's Blog Spot said...

who got married? Tina? Confused..