Monday, June 26, 2006


Camping went great! The weather was perfect (althought a bit of rain wouldn't have been bad, right?). The trout were biting, the kids were great and us "big" kids had a blast.

One of the traditions we started last year was heading out into the woods about a mile from the campsite armed only with flashlights. We find a secluded spot and tell stories to scare ourselves. We also film ourselves in our version of the "Blair Witch Project". Last year, besides my then 13-year old son, was just us girls. This year we talked a couple of the guys into going and trying it out. What a blast! My 28 year-old step-son, bless his heart, wanted to head back as soon as we got there. He's probably the smartest one of us. My husband and step-daughter think we're all crazy. We think it's great fun to ditch one of the group and totally freak them out. Can you tell I'm a suspense writer? This year there was no moon and it was very dark. Even the trees looked scarey!

I did manage to finish a chapter while up there. No small feat with grandchildren wanting to know what Nana was doing. When you tell them you're writing, they just don't get it.

Oh, the memories these camping trips give us. I took over 150 pictures for my other hobby of putting pictures to a DVD complete with music and transitions.

If you're as blessed as I am to have all your children and grandchildren close by, I suggest you try the whole family camping trip. You won't regret it.

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