Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Murder on the Ol' Bunions by S. Dionne Moore

Absolutely hilarious! LaTisha Barnhart undertakes killer pantyhose and painful bunions when she suspects foul play in the death of her former employer. Nothing will keep her from the truth. LaTisha hobbles from one clue to the next, her uproarious personality often clouding her judgement.

S. Dionne Moore has crafted a master of a cozy. You'll laugh your way through the pages.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

In the Dead of Winter by Nancy Mehl

When Samantha "Ivy" Towers returns to Winter Break to put her aunt's affairs in order, it quickly becomes clear something foul is in the air. With the help of her friend, Amos Parker, Samantha sets out to find her aunt's murderer.

The town of Winter Break is a blip on a map, yet full of characters so rich you won't easily forget them. I can't wait to read the next book in the Winter Break series.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Mom, we will miss you!

We think it fitting to celebrate Mom’s life with Proverbs 31 verses 29-31:
Her children arise and call her blessed;
Her husband also, and he praises her:
Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
But a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Give her the reward she has earned,
And let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

Verse 10: says, and we paraphrase, “A woman of noble character, who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.”

Agnes Mary Galaudet Hickey was born September 7, 1927. She lived through the Great Depression, the birth of Laughlin and Las Vegas, a World War, color television, 1% income tax, a steak sandwich for $1.15, a career as an LPN, and the raising of five children. She has seen the invention of slot machines, VCR’s, DVD players, and man walking on the moon. Agnes has loved a husband, five children, 15 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren. Her life was full, rich, and overflowing with love. Her legacy lives on in many hearts.

Through the ups and downs of World History, Mom kept her optimistic view of the future, keeping her eye on heaven. Above all, she cherished family often saying she had the best family in the world. In a world where love seems to be based on what can you do for me, Mom was the epitome of unconditional love. She had an inner strength that others struggle to possess, and few will attain.

Being the feisty, Irish woman Mom was, there were moments of disagreement, but even during her out-spokenness, her love for the person never dimmed, always shining brightly from her eyes. Mom never forgot a birthday or bypassed an occasion to send a Thank You note. Mom, today is our chance to thank you. For your love, your understanding, your undying support in all our endeavors.

Mom recently celebrated her 80th birthday, surrounded by her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. She spent Mother’s Day in Laughlin, on her “last Hoorah” as she called it. She ecstatically told us about winning $11 and wrote us a letter of every step of hers and Mary’s trip.

The memories are endless.
Fond memories of vacations in Twin Lakes, Wisconsin.
The vacation to Colorado where the pass over the Rocky Mountains was closed due to snow. Joe said he saw a bear and Mom turned the car around and drove all night until they reached home.
The times she’d turn down her hearing aid, then grumble at Dad because she couldn’t hear him.
The Christmas Tom dropped his pants and stood filming his sister Betsy until she noticed him standing in his boxers. Mom wanted to know why he’d do something so bad and to stop teasing his sister. They were both adults by this time.
The time she dropped the “F” bomb and tried to drag the water house to the top of Tom and Cindy’s house because Tom told her that a fire cracker started a fire. She didn’t think that joke was funny until months later.
The time Cindy went with her to Vegas after Mom’s heart surgery and she tried sneaking out of the hotel room at 3:30 in the morning for “one more pull”.
The many times she’d talk of her brothers and sisters. Her love for them was strong.
The gifts she received that was always “too much”. The creative gifts she gave that left no doubt that were given with love.

Although Mom’s passing leaves a hole that can’t be filled, we know that this is not goodbye, but rather we’ll see you later. For now, rest happy in God’s loving arms until we meet again. We love you.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mysterious Incidents at Lone Rock by Rajendra Pillai

Written in true Agatha Christie style, Mysterious Incidents leads the reader on a page-turning sequence of events with a surprising twist. Several actually.

Professor Rich Harrison and his colleague, the brilliant, algebra equation loving, Chinni Roy , detective in India, head to a friends estate for what they hope will be a relaxing weekend. They couldn't be farther from the truth when a gun shot blasts the night. Not only must they solve the crime, but Professor Rich must face matters of the heart.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Deadly Exposure by Cara Putnam

How could a murder happen in a crowded theater and right next to news reporter, Danie Richards? And now that it has, she can't leave things alone. Despite numerous warnings from the killer. To complicate things, a former love insists on protecting Dani. Something she balks against.

DEADLY EXPOSURE is a page-turning romantic suspense. Full of surprises with the right amount of romance. A great read!

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Homicide at Blue Heron Lake

Heading back to her childhood home to get the lakeside cottage ready to sell turns out more difficult than Emily Grant anticipated. Finding a dead body with her long-ago crush, Nate Holman, then discovering another body twenty years dead, it seems like Emily's vacation is anything but. Disaster and mystery threaten the awakening of love.